
Python insights: job and market growth stats


Python uses

For a project that initially started out as an homage to the British comedy troupe Monty Python, it’s fairly astounding how far Python has come along since it was first launched back in 1992. It’s quickly become one of themost popular and widely-used世界上的编程语言,以及网络开发,数据分析,机器学习和设计中的应用程序。

在本文中,我们将探讨为什么这种特定的编程语言在当今世界上如此重要,以及未来也可能拥有什么。除了探索landscape of programming languages,我们还将研究什么推动了增长以及哪些工作和薪水。我们还将研究如何学习Python以及这些角色的各种路线。


In essence, Python is a programming language based around data and is built in a fairly intuitive way which makes it easy to write and understand. This offers the user the chance for rapid development in the world of coding.

它的通用性令人难以置信,这意味着Python具有多个可能的应用程序 - 不过,通常用于Web应用程序和软件开发, but it can be used in anything from AI tomachine learning

由于其易用性和多功能性,许多大型公司和公司都采用了它 - 仅使用Python作为主要编码语言的一些知名公司包括NASA,Spotify,Dropbox,Instagram,甚至Google。


    There are several different reports that we can look at and use to get a good idea of the global value of Python at the moment. According to Statista, Python was the最受欢迎的编程语言in the world in early March 2020.

    此外,编程语言的官方排名者Popularity of Programming Language Index (PYPL), reinforces Python as the most popular programming language. This puts it above more familiar programming languages like Java.

    Python是一种开源语言,这意味着任何人都可以使用它。这使得计算总体全球市场价值非常棘手。但是,如果您寻找可以使用Python等数据分析的行业,那么市场价值是over $10 billion


    So what does the job market look like in the world of Python? The number of job postings is often the best indicator of the demand for a language. As Python is the most popular programming language in the world used by companies all across the globe, it’s a pretty strong market. Python also topped many lists of the大多数需求技术技能that employers were looking for.

    近年来,Python的就业机会大大增加。目前有更多的10,000 job advertisements全球在Glassdoor担任Python相关角色,确实有14,000 roles。与与Java相关的角色相比的确currently has nearly double the amount for Python which only goes to show how big the Python job market is at the moment.

    And as more large companies use it, or continue to use it, the number of roles available will only increase. Demand for Python developers has increased to such a level that there is now a website simply calledpythonjobs它的唯一目的是在全球范围内广告与Python相关的工作。


    在过去的几年中,Python经历了前所未有的增长。在2020年初,它是世界上第四种最受欢迎​​的编程语言 - 到3月,它是最受欢迎的,它没有显示出放缓的迹象。福布斯报告说,即使在2018年,也有grown by a whopping 456%

    据报道,2018年9月有just over 7 million Python developers。到2019年4月,这个数字已经超过800万,在此过程中超过了Java开发人员。由于全球实施了锁定法律,因此人们为开源项目做出了明显的增长,并与python使用几乎加倍

    What is driving growth in the use of Python?

    There are a number of different things that are driving this continued growth in the use of Python. The first thing is almost certainly due to some of the biggest companies in the world deciding to use Python as their primary programming language. This opens up many more employment opportunities and evenPython培训计划

    It is also a result of data analytics becoming a primary focus for many industries. There is so much data now that companies are looking for data scientists to use programming languages like Python to make sense of this data and help drive business results.


    • AI和机器学习– machine learning is something of a hot topic in the IT world at the moment. From Google’s predictive searches through to using Siri on your phone, the possibilities ofmachine learning很大。目前,Python是Web开发人员使用的主要语言,以简化此任务。
    • 数据分析– arguably the single biggest reason as to why people are migrating to Python, there are estimates that 17MB of data is created by every person in the world every second. The need to organise and manipulate this data has never been more important, and使用Python的数据分析很有意义。
    • 编程应用程序– Python is incredibly versatile, and can be used to program all kinds of applications. From区块链应用对于视频和音频应用程序,Python是理想的选择编程应用程序
    • Web开发– due to the extensive libraries and frameworks offered by Python, includingDjango和烧瓶以及该语言的多功能性,对于Web开发人员来说,这是一个不错的选择。从这些框架中创建了Spotify和Reddit等站点。
    • Data visualisation– whether you are looking to create simple graphics or something more interactive, then Python is a great choice when it comes todata visualisation。Due to the wide range of libraries,使用Python可视化数据将为您提供广泛的可能性,使您可以将数据转换为有意义的见解。



    We’ve outlined some of the main employment opportunities, as well as the ways that you can get into them and the salaries, below.


    As we have already discussed, the uses of Python are almost innumerable. It’s an incredibly versatile programming language that can be used in a veritable myriad of different roles and industries. We’ve picked out some of the most popular and in-demand roles that are currently available and that require Python skills:

    • 软件开发师。Python的软件开发is one of the most effective uses for this innovative programming language. After all, Reddit and Spotify, amongst others, had their software developed in Python. Software developers would be required to write, edit, and test the code, as well as maintaining their programs.
    • 数据科学家。数据科学家必须有效地找到模式并使用公司的数据库进行预测。由于Python具有自动化和分析数据字段的能力,因此它很快成为数据科学中使用的首选语言。
    • 机器学习工程师。Python的处理算法和处理数据自动化的能力使其成为机器学习的理想编程语言。ML工程需要额外的技能和资格,但是在这里仍然值得注意,因为它使您了解可用的角色范围。
    • Python developer.A bit of an obvious one here – but python developers are in hot demand at the moment. While there may be parallels with software development, often you’ll use other tools and languages in that role. As a Python developer, you’ll just be using Python to write code and build backend infrastructure.


    与其他任何行业一样,使用Python的角色的平均薪水会因您的角色,您从事的领域以及与Python的经验不同而有所不同。IT工作观看, a website that specialises in collating salary data across the IT industry, states that the median annual salary in the UK for a role requiring Python skills is £65,000.


    来自美国劳工统计局also stated that between 2019 and 2029, they predicted a 22% growth of demand for software developers, and that an average annual wage amounts to $110,140.


    如果您对软件编程和网络开发有浓厚的兴趣,那么Python是您拥有的一项重要技能。如果您已经熟悉Java或C之类的东西,这可能是一种很好的语言,如果您对codingand want to take this a step further. And having advanced computer skills goes without saying really.


    • 教育- 使用Python的大多数角色都需要您在使用此编程语言方面拥有一些以前的经验。由于它是一种开源编程语言,因此不一定会获得证书或认证,您可以说明您在使用它方面的成功。但是,您可以参加我们的Python课程之一Python essentials, or使用Python的数据分析
    • Experience- 越来越多的公司正在雇用养育自己的发展技能的候选人。任何人都可以使用python,因此任何人都可以基于自己的经验来建立自己的经验 - 因此您可以start programming with Pythontoday, and prove your skills.
    • 实习- 这些是获得Python实践经验的最佳方法,然后也有可能在另一端获得就业机会。这是测试水域并查看您喜欢与Python一起工作的低赌注选择。

    The future of Python


    For the past four years, Python has been rated as最理想的技术之一为了获得经验,随着数据分析等技术特征在不同行业中变得更有先见之明,这是一种可能会持续的趋势。Python无疑是一种需求的编程语言,具有光明的未来。


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