
How to thrive after lockdown ends – tips for life in the new normal






Although it feels like the COVID-19 pandemic has rumbled on forever, there have been definite milestones in the way it’s unfolded. As seen in our open step onCOVID-19爆发中的要点,第一个报道的病毒病例已于2019年12月出现。到2020年1月底,在世界各地的各个国家报告了病例。


The measures put in place, such as full lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, quarantines, and curfews, varied greatly between countries. And while some countries started tounlocklater on in 2020, many were facing second or third waves of coronavirus infections.

As explored in a separate article, countries such as菲律宾已经扩大了某些小组的锁定直到他们的疫苗计划成功。而且,正如我们在帖子上看到的那样疫苗的工作方式,这种方法可以帮助阻止病毒的传播。


When will lockdown end?

在英国,限制正在逐渐缓解。希望到6月21日,lockdown in England will be lifted entirely。同样,在美国,希望有70%的人口至少到7月4日至少有一些疫苗保护

However, it’s unlikely that those dates will represent the ‘end of COVID-19’. As highlighted by the泛美卫生组织,‘只有10个国家 /地区已经服用了所有疫苗剂量的75%;收入最低的国家的管理不到全球剂量的一半。’

So, although national restrictions in some countries may ease over the coming months, this won’t be the same everywhere. The current vaccine inequity means that many countries have vaccinated不到其人口的1%



因此,病毒可能会留在这里,但是专家希望我们可以protect people against severe forms of the disease in future


In the UK, experts feel that未来的锁定不太可能,至少在全国范围内。但是,正如尼尔·弗格森(Neil Ferguson)教授告诉英国广播公司(BBC)的那样,这并不排除可能存在一些自由的“回滚”的可能性。正如我们在公开步骤中看到的那样大流行的准备和反应,,,,social distancing,对运动的限制和遏制措施都是控制病毒的可行手段。




It can sometimes be difficult to imagine life without some sort of COVID-19 restrictions. Yet the UK lockdown end date is hopefully within sight. So what will happen after lockdown ends, and what will life after COVID-19 be like?

Of course, it’s hard to say precisely. If the last 18 months have taught us anything, we have to be flexible, resilient and adaptive. We’re in uncharted territory where the situation can change rapidly. However, thanks to研究人员和一线工人的辛勤工作和奉献精神,我们有更多有关病毒及其影响的数据。

So far, some countries around the world have already seen certain lockdown measures easing. This includes:

  • Schools returning.
  • Households allowed to mix.
  • 非必要的企业开业。
  • 较大的户外场所开放。


There can be no exact predictions on this point. However, several studies, surveys, and articles have already started asking what the ‘new normal’ will look like. Experts have begun to cast their attention forwards, looking at life after COVID-19.

有正面和负面的预测,我们在下面强调了其中一些。以下各节基于来自英国广播公司,,,,皮尤研究中心,,,,More in Common,,,,among others.



  • 将有针对社会不平等的新改革。大流行已经显示出多种失衡,希望对当前经济安排的批评获得支持和政策制定者的注意。
  • 许多工人的生活质量将改善。Flexible ways of working have meant improvements for many remote workers, and this could well remain. Those who cannot work from home may see an improvement in workplace wellbeing.
  • 我们将更了解我们的行动如何影响地球。埃森哲的研究表明,大流行使我们更多具有环境意识的消费者
  • 技术将改善我们的生活。We’ve already seen the benefits of technology to keep us connected with others. Improvements in areas such as VR and AI may help us live smarter and safer lives.

Potential negatives


  • 将会有更糟糕的经济不平等。那些目前可以访问技术和资源的人将领先于没有技术和资源的人。随着大流行使我们转向新技术,这一差距可能会增加。
  • 大型科技公司将拥有更多的力量。与上面的相似点;技术公司将能够利用其市场地位。随着社会重新开放,许多人可能被迫放弃数据隐私为“ Covid-19的安全”。
  • 会有更多的错误信息。Throughout the pandemic, we’ve seen the continued rise of fake news and unrealistic narratives. Further lies and hate speech may spread as more of us spend more time online.

锁定后的生活 - 有关如何壮成长的提示

Although we can’t say exactly what life will be like after the pandemic ends, there are certainly some tips that can help you thrive after lockdown. As we return to work, socialising, and (eventually) travel, there are several steps you can take to look after your physical andmental wellbeing。We’ve outlined some below:

Mental health

The extended restrictions over the last year or so have been tough for everyone. As we explored in our post on如何在锁定期间保持健康,照顾你mental healthcan help to reduce stress, improve your mood, and improve relationships.



If you find that you’re struggling with your mental health, it’s essential that you seek help from your healthcare provider. For many, the easing of restrictions and return to normal will cause some stress and anxiety. Such feelings are perhaps to be expected, and there is no shame in getting support through difficult times.


Everyone will respond differently to the end of lockdown differently. Mental health charities头脑Mental Health Foundationhighlight the importance of pacing yourself as you get back to your routine. Don’t feel pressured to do things you’re not ready for, and take your time as you reconnect with the world.




The world can be difficult to navigate right now, and we can’t say what will change as the world starts to open up again. However, you can give yourself a sense of agency by controlling the elements of your life that you can. Whether it’s your routines, how much news you read, or any other area, it can be a comforting practice.


Evidence suggests that self-care can be a useful tool for reducing stress, helping build relationships, and improving your overall physical and mental health. You can find some of ourself-care tips在另一篇文章中。

Physical wellbeing



体力活动can help to improve your mood, reduce stress, boost your immune system and help you think clearer. Although there will be plenty of exciting things to do after lockdown ends, make sure you also make time to stay active and get some exercise.


As restaurants start to reopen, it can certainly be a time to rejoice. However, a健康和平衡的饮食can have a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing. Pay attention to your diet as restrictions ease. Find out more abouteating to live well在我们的在线课程中。

Sleep well

当时间压力很大时,很容易失去睡眠。但是,缺乏睡眠也会导致压力感,从而产生恶性循环。在外出并再次社交的兴奋之中,尽量不要让它影响您的睡眠时间表。查看我们的公开步骤sleep tips有关如何获得晚安睡眠的更多信息。


Many of us have been working remotely since the beginning of lockdown. As such, a return to the office might seem like a strange and somewhat daunting prospect. We’ve written a whole article on锁定后返回工作。Here are some quick tips:


Many workplaces will likely implement safety measures as people start returning to work. Familiarise yourself with these measures, such as those found on the UK government’sHSE网站


Studies have shown that having an open window in your office can prevent the spread of viruses. Having a gentle breeze can be pleasant, help prevent drowsiness and poor concentration, and be better for everyone’s health.

Pay attention to hygiene



Again, we’ve got an upcoming article all about socialising after the pandemic. For many people, it will have been a while since they’ve been around large groups of people. Here are some quick tips on how to manage it:


Even though you might not have seen friends and family for a while, you don’t have to rush back into every social event. Trying to do too much may leave you feeling worn out, with a bit of a社交宿醉

Don’t avoid social situations



After restrictions are lifted, it could be the time to start broadening your social horizons. If you’ve found it tough going during the lockdown, you might want to start joining more groups or getting involved in your local community.

Don’t pressure yourself



As things stand, it’s a little early to say what travel will be like after lockdown ends. Although local and inter-country travel might be possible, time will tell what international travel will look like after the pandemic. As such, we’ll update this section once we have more information to share.



Throughout this article, you’ll also find resources and courses that can help you manage as things start to open up again.

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