



金致力于在社会服务中发展知识,学习和理解。我们是世界上十大大学之一(QS世界大学排名,2021年; 2021年)。

Over the past 180 years King’s has made an extraordinary contribution to modern life, particularly in the areas of humanities, law, the sciences (including a wide range of health areas such as psychiatry, medicine, nursing and dentistry) and social sciences including international affairs. We have played a major role in many of the advances that have shaped modern life, such as the discovery of the structure of DNA and research that led to the development of radio, television, mobile phones and radar. We are the largest centre for the education of healthcare professionals in Europe; no university has more Medical Research Council Centres.

目前,来自150多个国家 /地区的31,300名学生在国王学习,有12,800多名研究生。我们雇用了约8,500名员工,并拥有12个诺贝尔奖获得者和48,000多名注册国际校友。


  • 丹麦山
  • 伙计们
  • 圣托马斯
  • 滑铁卢


  • 艺术与人文学院
  • 国王商学院
  • 牙科,口腔和颅面科学学院
  • 迪克森·波恩法学院
  • 佛罗伦萨夜莺护理,助产士和姑息治疗学院
  • 生命科学与医学学院
  • 自然,数学与工程科学学院
  • 精神病学研究所,心理学与神经科学研究所
  • 社会科学与公共政策学院


King's Online是King's在线和专业高管教育(OPEE)部门的单位,负责与大学的部门和教职员工开发在线计划。Formed in November 2015, we have expanded rapidly as King’s has fully embraced online learning – the King’s Strategic Vision 2029, for instance, sets out a commitment to become the UK leader in online and blended learning by 2029. Our multi-skilled, multi-faceted team is made up of project managers, instructional and visual designers, design technologists, content developers, web and accessibility developers, e-learning assistants, UX designers and researchers, media producers and editors and a games development team based in Cornwall, who work with King’s departments to bring their world-leading content to life. Working in close partnership with faculties, we develop fully online postgraduate programmes, Master’s degree programmes, blended programmes and, of course, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

要了解有关King's Online和Opee的更多信息,请访问我们的网站或在Twitter上关注我们。

23 培训班
