

Whether you’ve got an interview coming up or are still in the process of applying, it’s always useful to know how to prepare for a job interview. We take a look at everything you need to know to ace yours.

Fl  Blog How To Prepare For A Job Interview

Job interviews can be tricky. You’ve already gone through the process of perfecting your CV, filling out the application form, and waiting for a response. Yet the final hurdle(s) can sometimes seem daunting. Yet with a bit of know-how, you can prepare for a job interview in a way that’s going to maximise your chances.




  • 电话和视频采访。Many companies are using remote and virtual interviews at the moment. This can give a slightly different feel to proceedings, as you don’t get the immediate feedback like with in-person interviews.
  • 取消或重新排列的日期。Due to things like self-isolation for those with symptoms, it’s not uncommon for interview dates to be moved. Plan for the agreed date, but be aware that it might be subject to change.
  • 社会的远处。当然,某些访谈不能远程进行。目前,我们都公平地习惯了社会疏远措施,但是在面试环境中可能很奇怪。目前,握手和大型面板访谈之类的事情已经不在桌子上,您需要注意该措施。
  • 讲义。In normal times, we’d advise taking print outs of your CV and presentation material (if applicable). However, it’s not the ideal protocol at the moment. Instead, consider emailing these documents in advance of your interview.
  • Follow-ups。鉴于当前情况,一些组织在提供面试反馈方面的速度较慢也就不足为奇了。尽管活动结束后仍应进行跟进,但您可能需要比平时更长的时间。



Now that we know about some of the extenuating circumstances you might encounter at the moment, let’s look at how to prepare for an interview. It’s worth noting that a lot of the points we’re covering can apply to just about any interview, whether it’s virtual, face-to-face, a panel interview, or other types.

前视图工作可以分为三个主要领域 -research,,,,准备,,,,and实践。正如我们将看到的那样,在每个中,有几个因素需要考虑。


First on your to-do list is some research. You’ll want to know as much as you can going into the interview, as it will help to reduce your nerves and improve your performance. There are three key areas you need to research:


Your ultimate goal with the interview is to demonstrate to the interviewers that you are the best candidate for the role. To do that, you’ll need to know the position inside out. You’ll have to show that you understand the responsibilities you’ll be taking on as well as the expectations of the company.



If you’re going for a job after university, our course onhow to get a graduate jobcan help you find what employers are looking for and how you can get workplace-ready.


As well as researching the job, you’ll also want to take a look at the company that’s offering it. You’ll want to find out as much as you can about the business, its aims and ethos, and what the work culture is like. It seems like a lot of information, but much of it is readily available.

Once again, doing this research not only shows that you’ve taken an active interest in the role and company, but it also helps you work towards a better performance in the interview. It means you won’t be caught out by questions about the organisation and can have some of your own ready at hand.

Here are some of the ways you can research the company as you prepare for a job interview:

  • 公司的网站。大多数组织在其网站上都有一个“关于我们”的部分。这些通常涵盖了诸如业务的历史和发展之类的东西,以及他们的使命宣言和精神。
  • 社会的media。Just about every company has a social media account these days. As well as sites like Twitter and Facebook, you can also check their LinkedIn presence. They may have some industry-specific articles that can give you inspiration.
  • 评论网站。您可以通过使用评论网站来了解人们对公司对公司的看法。使用Glassdoor进行员工评论(甚至采访)和TrustPilot进行客户评论。


Your CV

当你在writing your application,毫无疑问,您已经花时间完善您的简历。那么为什么现在重新审视它呢?好吧,当您准备面试时,有一些理由这样做。


The second reason to revisit your CV is to compare it to the lists and notes you’ve already made. When it comes to the job description, you’ll want to pull out all the skills and experience in your CV that are relevant to it. Similarly, for the company aims, ethos, and culture, you can find related examples in your document.

It’s always a good idea to remind yourself of some of theessential skills for your career您可以在面试中谈论。


随着古老的格言,适当的准备可以防止表现不佳。陈词滥调,这当然是事实。如果您想对您的面试进行王牌,则需要为一天本身做一些基础工作 - 在准备工作面试时,这是至关重要的。同样,访谈的确切格式可能有所不同,但基础知识将保持不变。这是您要准备的一些事情:

Some solid answers



As well as some industry-specific answers about your achievements, experience, aims, and salary expectation, you should also think about some of the broader questions, including:

  • 你为什么想在这里工作?This is where your company research comes in handy, as you can speak in terms of specifics about what appeals to you. Think about the work environment, ethos, and potential of the business.
  • What is it about this role that interests you?同样,花了一些时间在该公司和整个行业研究工作之后,您应该能够谈论使该职位与众不同的原因。您可以提及自己的目标和兴趣,并带来一些关键技能和经验。
  • 您最大的弱点是什么?这个问题会带来许多人,含糊,自言自语的答案不会削减它。您需要证明自己对自己的缺点有自我意识和诚实,但您也采取了步骤来改进和克服它们。


After you’ve successfully answered some grilling questions during the interview, the last thing you want to do is not have anything to fire back with. Having some insightful questions to ask the interviewer(s) can not only show that you’ve prepared but also demonstrate that you’ve thought about the role and the company.

Once again, you’ll find that your research phase has served you well here. By looking at the role, company, and what other people have to say about them, you should be able to come up with some thoughtful questions. Whether it’s about their adoption of currentdigital workplace trendsor多元文化,,,,make sure you have a few. Some useful ones include:

  • What do you enjoy most about working here?This turns the focus onto the interviewer and can reveal a lot about the company and culture. It also shows you care about the other employees.
  • 开发的机会是什么?With this question, you’re showing that you’re a self-starter who’s eager to learn and continue to develop.
  • 在这个位置,典型的一天是什么样的?Here, you’re showing that you want to learn more about the inner workings of the role.

How to get to your interview

You’ve done your research, prepped some questions and answers, and are fired up for the main event. But you get lost on your way and end up being 20 minutes late without being able to call. Disaster. To avoid such an incident damaging your chances of getting the job, make sure to plan out how you’re going to get to your interview.


If your interview is taking place remotely, you don’t have to worry about route planning. However, you do need to make sure that you have your technology tested and working. If you need to, a quick brush up on your数字技术技能can help.



The final part of your interview prep should be practice for the day itself. Even if you have everything planned out in your mind or written down on paper, you’ll want to spend time perfecting how you’re going to say it. Here are some areas to focus on:

Your voice and body language


你可以学习是什么使有效的演讲if you need to deliver one as part of your interview. We also have a course onpresenting your work with impact,这可以帮助您有效地传达信息。


Your interview

If you want to take things one step further, you can recruit a friend or relative to help you run through a mock interview. After you’ve brought them up to speed on the role and the company, you can either give them some pre-set questions or let them use their own creativity.

Approach this trial run as if it was the real thing, from greeting the ‘interviewer’ to entering the room, to the body of the interview itself. Not only does this give you the chance to practise your answers and questions, but it also means you can get feedback from someone else.

You can also check out our course onhow to succeed at interviews。在这里,无论您面临哪种类型的采访,您都将学习一些成功所需的工具。



In this message, you’ll want to thank the interviewer and mention the job role you interviewed for. You can also make reference to any particular areas that seemed especially relevant to the interviewer. Connect this point to your own ambitions or skills. Finally, sign off by saying you’re happy to answer any additional questions, and that you’re looking forward to hearing from them.

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