


Fl185 Blog Productivity 1


We’ve put together a summary of well-known methods on how to be more productive, plus some general working from home tips to get you going.

Productivity may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the wordPomodoro,为此,您可以被原谅。但是在过去的30年中,备受喜爱的番茄以其同名的生产力技术而闻名,并以其美味的味道而闻名,如果您想在家工作,这是一个有价值的工具。

以发明家的番茄形计时器命名Francesco Cirilloliked to use, the Pomodoro Technique breaks down large or difficult tasks into short 25-minute bursts of work, broken up by five-minute breaks. This trains your brain to focus for short periods, helping you stay on top of your workload. After four of these 25-minute ‘Pomodoros’ you’re advised to take a longer break to give yourself time to recharge.

您真正需要给Pomodoro Technique A GO的所有只是计时器。如果您喜欢像Cirillo本人这样的手动计时器,那么您可能会喜欢Pomodoro计时器在“官方”形状中,或者有几个免费的数字程序,包括tomighty(Windows/Mac)和Marinara Timer(网络)帮助您保持生产力。

‘Don’t take your work home with you’ – is something most of us will have heard that at some point. But now you’re working from home, just go ahead and disregard that immediately. Your work has now officially moved in with you, and you’re going to need to spend some time working on how to live together. Your home office is going to be key to that.

Think about what type of office environment normally helps you to work at your best, and set about recreating that at home. Remove non-essential household items that can serve as distractions – dirty washing, televisions, family members – and instead surround yourself with work-enhancers like plants and space for your files and folders.

If you’re working from home you’re also likely to spend a lot of time sitting down, and without your usual office chair, this可能导致不良姿势而且,在许多情况下,背痛。花一些时间使您的设置尽可能符合人体工程学。监护人有一个有用的指南建立舒适的家庭办公室。和省钱专家是家庭和办公用品交易的好地方。

This doesn’t necessarily mean breaking the bank on a high-end desk and fancy chair. Work with what you’ve got – raise yourself up with cushions on your seat, use large books to make a stand for your laptop (eyeline should roughly be level with, or just below, the top of your screen) – and be creative.

如果您不确定哪种类型的家庭办公空间对您来说最有生产力,本指南from Success uses the迈尔斯·布里格斯method to design a workstation that fits your personality.

The Eisenhower Matrix是一个简单的工具,可以帮助您了解如何在时间上提高生产力。焦点不是协助集中度,而是更加严格的优先级,这非常适合通过工作来导航您的方式。

以美国前总统的名字命名,虽然不是由美国前总统发明的Dwight D. Eisenhower,,,,this productivity method helps you decide which tasks are urgent, important or neither.


Eisenhower Matrix要求您真正思考您所做的工作实际上很重要,还是很紧急。好消息是,您不需要一支笔和纸(可能是统治者)才能开始使用Eisenhower Matrix。这是一个有用的视频from Eisenhower.me to get you started.



一个好的开始是森林,,,,an app that helps you ignore the distractions on your phone, whilst at the same time earning credits that can be used to plant real trees! Lifehack has a彻底的摘要y of the best productivity apps for phones or这是一些想法从GetCloudApp将计算机转变为一台生产力机器,您一直都知道。

把事情做好is another well-established time management tool which you can use to be more productive when working from home. The principle is to take all those nagging tasks, to-do lists and schedules from your head and write them out in front of you, in order to make them more manageable.

To begin, take all of those things – everything from the mundane household chore right through to the most high-pressure work projects – and record them in one place. Then break each task into the actions you need to take in order to complete it.





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