Open University program


Learn how to deliver change in the areas of development where your professional and personal interests lie.

该程序是PgC Global Development Managementdegree offered by The Open University

Develop the skills needed to enhance your capabilities as a development manager





This program contains a portfolio, where you'll be able to gather your work and get feedback from course educators.



Who will you learn with?


Hi, I'm Marianna and I've worked in the NGO, government and academic sectors, on poverty and inequality, conflict and government policy. I'm passionate about development and helping others achieve.

Me - Author of OU courses on development, English language coach, researcher and content writer. I love to travel. learning to speak Spanish, and I am passionate about dancing Argentine Tango!

I work as an Associate Lecturer with The Open University tutoring on undergraduate courses on Public Health and International Development. I am a facilitator on the Lottery of Birth Course.


Rachel is a social anthropologist by training and inclination, who has worked for the OU for 17 years. She's carried out research in India, Indonesia and Mozambique.


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