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观点:Universities must create opportunities for the people coronavirus will harm most

Editorial:THE Impact Rankings 2020: Results Announced
Times Higher Education, 22 April
澳大利亚的大学使用基于联合国的可持续发展目标的指标来评估大学的第二版《高等教育的影响》排名。新西兰的奥克兰大学once again leads theoverall THE Impact Rankings,尽管今年还有299个机构加入了桌子,而澳大利亚的悉尼大学,,,,西悉尼大学La Trobe Universitycomplete the top four. Last year, no Australian universities featured in the top 10. The overall ranking includes 766 universities from 85 nations/regions.

观点:What students are doing is remote learning, not online learning. There’s a difference.

New research:Students more anxious than excited about starting their careers despite confidence they will find work

Editorial:大学期望学生减少230,000名 - 这是严重的财务痛苦
The Guardian, 23 April
新的分析表明,由于1920年,由于1920年,由于1920年的危机,少于230,000名学生将接受高等教育,其中一半以上是国际学生。从非欧盟学生那里的学生人数下降将转化为约15.1亿英镑的收入,欧盟学生的3.5亿英镑和来自英国学生的6.12亿英镑选择远离。来自London Economics for the University and College Unionlays bare how vulnerable some of the most renowned universities are to falls in international demand, but also how widespread the financial pain might be. All 125 universities in the report would suffer substantial falls in income, leaving 91 (almost three-quarters) in a critical financial position where income only just covers expenditure.

In this article, Hugh Rayment-Pickard talks about the limitations of online learning when it comes to widening participation. He argues that ‘Covid-19 has illuminated the depth of the digital gulf between well-off families where every child has a study-bedroom kitted out with a high spec laptop, and free school meal pupils in overcrowded homes, with shared bedrooms and inadequate IT.’ He points to research from Teach First which found that teachers in the poorest communities believe that at least a fifth of their pupils do not have adequate access to a device for online learning at home.

New research:教学如何在(强迫)转向远程学习中发生变化
A US民意调查随着校园在全国范围内关闭,对过渡学院对在线学习的见解。研究发现,有90%的机构从事某种形式的紧急远程教育,有76%的机构报告说他们已经在网上移动了课程以完成该学期。还询问受访者关于远程教学的经验水平,有50%的人表示,他们的机构有一些具有在线教学经验的教职员工以减轻过渡。此外,将近三分之二的人说,他们改变了他们给学生的“作业或考试”,近一半说,他们降低了对学生能够做到的工作量的期望。

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