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© University of Southampton



糖异生pathway (see metabolism figure below) synthesises new glucose using non-carbohydrate precursors (glycerol from the breakdown of triglycerides, lactate during anaerobic glycolysis and amino acids from muscle protein degradation). 90% of gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver but some occurs in the kidney too. Insulin regulates gluconeogenesis. The newly made glucose is released back into the blood stream to raise blood glucose levels.

Metabolism summary diagramFigure: Metabolism is a complex and interlinked process. Gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis are important pathways in metabolism, to raise blood concentrations.

Glycogenolysis: release of glucose from stored glycogen

In the糖原分解途径(请参见上面的代谢图),可以分解肝糖原以产生葡萄糖,该葡萄糖被释放回血液以增加血糖浓度。这些过程的结合使我们能够保持低但含量的葡萄糖水平,尽管禁食甚至饥饿(请参见下图)。Release of glucose from stored glycogen chart over 40 days showing maintenance of a low but significant level of glucose despite fasting or starvation图:从储存的糖原中释放葡萄糖

So you can see from the diagram above that the blood glucose (black line) is kept constant by a combination of processes: release of glucose from the diet (red line), gluconeogenesis (blue) and glycogenolysis (green).

© University of Southampton


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