


What is feedback?

Definition of feedback in the volunteering context. Four priorities for feedback.
What is feedback?

“反馈”实际上意味着向某人提供信息。在STEM志愿服务的背景下,某人通常意味着you作为志愿者。您将收到信息,不仅是关于STEM志愿活动, but also on your志愿技能which includes presentation and communication skills.

There are four different reasons why you would want to obtain and use feedback:

  1. 确定您是否达到了活动目标。
  2. 确定您是否达到了雇主的目标。
  3. 为总体志愿服务计划评估做出贡献。
  4. To identify whether you are meeting your personal/professional goals.

Using feedback: activity, yourself, employer, volunteering programme

The process of接收feedback is the primary focus of this course. However, it is worth considering that you may also be able to提供向您的年轻人,与您一起工作的教育者和STEM活动的组织者的反馈。


In the comments below, put the four reasons for gathering feedback in order of priority and explain why: activity, employer, yourself, volunteering programme.
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Volunteering in the Classroom: Feedback, Reviewing and Improving STEM Activities

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