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Chhanv Foundation addresses the challenge of assisting acid attack survivors through a social enterprise café, Sheroes Hangout
在此视频中,我们访问了一家位于印度Sheroes Cafe的社会企业,该企业雇用了受到酸攻击的妇女。这个想法来自Chhanv Foundation,该基金会是一个非营利组织,致力于恢复印度的酸性攻击幸存者,请求更好的补偿和更严格的法律。在这里,一位团队成员解释了研究如何导致社会企业咖啡馆的想法。
I’m Abilash from team Stop Acid Attacks. Currently I’m handling the web’s use and technical issues and all the communications with the campaign, and when we started in 2013, through that portal, it was just an idea to collect more people, so that we can share about the issue and what kind of problems were against acid attacks, and for the survivors we are facing, it was just an idea to collect more people from through that portal. Currently we have done a research data of the acid attack cases of the last two years, and it more than 350 cases and currently we are associated with 80 plus survivors.
As part of our research project, we’ve found that more than 70% of cases just happen because of jilted lovers or one-sided love. The people at times, they always propose, and once the girl denied their proposal they got aggressive at that time and they wanted to destroy her beauty, her face, her identity and all. The survivors generally are from middle level background and they didn’t have a lot of skills, so we have to organise some times skill development sessions for them, so that we can make them more talented and more skillful.
Like that, we have set up a center called Sheroes Hangout, were 5 acid attacks survivors, Rupa, Ritu, Neetu, Dolly and Geeta, they are working at Sheroes Hangout and the idea of Sheroes Hangout is to, you know, to take the acid attack survivors into the mainstream of society, where they can interact with more people and they can share their story, what they are facing in their life and what kind of issues they have.



This video shows how the team from theChhanv FoundationandStop Acid Attacks campaign在意识到遭受酸攻击的妇女面临的问题之后,他们想到了Sheroes聚会咖啡馆的想法。

在下面的讨论中,请分享:Chavnn基金会和停止酸性攻击运动如何将问题与他们的业务理念联系起来?我们建议您阅读完整的案例研究before you respond to the question, to have a better understanding of this initiative (see pdf document below).



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