
如何学习语言 - 8个主要技巧和建议


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As the world becomes ever more connected, the appeal of learning a new language is clear. Whether for business or pleasure, being able to communicate on an international level can bring many benefits. To support you on your learning journey, we take a look at some top tips and advice on how to learn a language.


Why learn a new language?



It enhances your brain

many studiesthat examine how we process language learning in our brains. It’s a fascinating subject area, with some surprising findings. For example, the complex process by which we learn a language can increase white and grey matter volume in the brain. Some of these regions of the brain are associated with things like enhanced problem-solving, focusing, and switching between tasks.

One study even found thatbilingual participants developed dementia 4.5 years later than monolingual ones,无论教育,性,职业和住所等因素如何。显然,在学习语言方面,对大脑产生了一些迷人的影响。

It boosts your career prospects

Another area that has been studied in detail is how being multilingual can impact a person’s career prospects. Several surveys have shown that those who can speak more than one language have the potential to earn more money.




It helps you meet new people



As we’ll see, one of the essential elements of learning a language is understanding the different cultures that speak it. This cultural insight gives you the chance to travel to new locations (after the pandemic), immerse yourself in the lifestyle, and even improve your intercultural understanding in the workplace.

How long does it take to learn a language?


That being said, there are some estimates out there for how long it takes. Perhaps the most reliable is the美国外交所学院。他们根据难度将语言分为四个不同的层次,然后检查了我们花费了多长时间才能达到“专业工作能力”。他们发现这是:

  • I类语言。这些与英语更相似,包括法语,意大利语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语和瑞典语等语言。估计24-30周或者600-750 class hours通常需要专业水平。
  • II类语言。这包括德语,印尼,马来语,海地克里奥尔语和斯瓦希里语等语言。估计36 weeks或者900班小时通常需要专业水平。
  • III类语言。这些语言与英语有很大不同,包括孟加拉语,捷克语,芬兰语,希腊,希伯来语,希伯来语,冰岛,波兰语,俄罗斯,俄罗斯,泰米尔语,泰国和越南语。估计44 weeks或者1100上课小时通常需要专业水平。
  • IV类语言。对于说英语的人来说,这些“超级”语言非常困难。其中包括阿拉伯语,中国广东话,中国普通话,日语和韩国人。估计88周或者2200班小时通常需要专业水平。

Of course, you probably aren’t aiming for professional-level proficiency just yet. Thankfully, you can master many of the basics in a much shorter time span. Many of our language courses take only a few weeks to complete and can help you build a solid foundation.

Which languages are most in-demand?

If you’ve yet to choose a new language to learn, you might be interested in which ones are popular at the moment. Whether you want to use it for your professional development or to unlock new countries to explore, it can be useful to know some of the in-demand languages around the world.

As you might expect, English is one of the most widely spoken ones out there. With around 339 million native speakers and 1.5 billion language learners, it’s useful for travel, work, and learning. Qualifications like the雅思are popular around the world, taken by around 5 million people each year.


  • 中国人。There are around 1.3 billion native Chinese speakers, with roughly 917 million of these people speaking Mandarin.Becoming fluent in Chinesecould create a variety of opportunities for you, both personally and professionally.
  • 西班牙语。Roughly 20 countries around the worlduse Spanish作为官方语言。拥有超过4.5亿本名人的母语,这是世界上仅次于中文的第二个母语。
  • 阿拉伯。阿拉伯is a language that’s rapidly growing in terms of speakers, especially on the internet. It’s also the official language in around 25 countries worldwide and spoken in roughly 60, meaning there are so many ways and places you can use it.
  • French。About 51 countries around the worldspeak French, placing it behind only English and Arabic in prevalence. What’s more, it’s a language that’s being spoken in many of thefastest-growing areasof the world.
  • Russian。There are nearly 150 million native Russian speakers, as well over 120 million people who speak it as a second language. It’s the eighth most commonly used language globally.

如何学习语言 - 8个主要技巧

So, now that you know about the benefits that come from studying another language, it’s time to get into some of our top tips.

在决定如何学习语言时,需要考虑几个要点。值得注意的是,您将如何学习最好的科学 - 每个人都有自己的学习风格。但是,许多学生认为有用的方法有一些尝试和测试的方法。我们强调了下面的一些:

1. Set your language goals

Setting goals brings all kinds of benefits when it comes to learning. It can help with things like motivation, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Goals also help you achieve success.





根据一些研究,以母语为母语的人知道大约15,000至20,000个单词家庭。这样,它们的意思是根词及其所有变体。例如,说话,说话,讲话等。这些研究表明,通过学习最常见的800 to 1,000 root words和变化,您可以学会快速有效地讲一种语言。

So, when you’re wrestling with how to learn a language, a useful place to start is by learning some common vocabulary. This can help to quickly build your understanding in a day-to-day setting, allowing you to have and follow basic conversations.


3. Find a style that works for you

There are many different tools, techniques, and styles you can use when you’re learning a language. Sometimes, it can seem a little overwhelming to try and use them all. Instead, you should try a few and select the one(s) that work best for your learning style.

Whether it’s using flashcards, grammar translations, spaced repetition, immersive learning or any other approach, you have plenty of options. Figuring out the right combination of techniques can help you progress at a rate you’re happy with.

You’ll find all kinds of apps, websites, textbooks, and other materials out there that help with different methods. Of course, ourggbet app 通常,您可以混合改善知识的方式。


A crucial part of learning a language is being able to recognise, understand and reproduce sounds. For many language learners, concentrating on these first two aspects, as well as vocabulary and grammar, takes priority. However, this can result in a reluctance to practice speaking, which can delay your progress.

You don’t have to necessarily go out and start chatting with native speakers right away (although this can certainly help). However, talking to yourself, practising your vocabulary out loud, and even recording yourself speaking your new language can help to build your confidence.


Communicating with new people in your target language is often intimidating. You might be scared to make mistakes or feel that your current level isn’t good enough. However, practising with a native speaker can help you quickly improve your language skills.

As well as working on your pronunciation, you’ll also unlock more natural-sounding conversational elements. It also helps with your listening skills, as native speakers will often speak at a more natural pace.


6. Consume media


您可能已经听说过TV show Friends has helped people当他们学习英语时。除了教授口语和手势外,它还可以帮助使用常用单词和短语,表达和文化参考。




语言通常与说话的群体的文化相符。因此,要真正掌握一种语言,您将要确保您也熟悉随之而来的文化背景。这就是为什么喜欢我们的课程Explore English: Language and Cultureone are so popular.

8. Make travel plans


When you travel, you get the opportunity to see new places, interact with local people, and immerse yourself in the culture. Although it can be daunting at first, you’ll soon find your feet. It also gives you the chance to identify any gaps in your knowledge and means that you can pick up some new phrases and vocab.



Learning a language can help in both your personal and professional life. As well as adding to your CV, it can boost other skills and improve your cultural understanding. Whatever your language goals are, you can find one of our courses that can help you on your way.

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