



Hi there. Today we’re going to talk about the power of having a set of beliefs, that researchers call Positive Core Self Evaluations. Let’s begin by talking about what we mean by core self evaluations. Because you have them, I have them, and everyone else has them. And they’re quietly but powerfully affecting our decisions every day, for better and for worse. We usually don’t think much about how our unconscious beliefs affect our abilities to achieve our goals. But researchers around the world think about this a lot. And some of these researchers found that each of us evaluates ourselves in four specific areas. The first is our Self Esteem, and this refers to our beliefs about our overall worth as a person.
Keep in mind that core self evaluations refer to our general and fundamental assumptions about ourselves. And our abilities to achieve our goals, not our assessment of ourselves and our abilities in any specific situation, such as performing well in a particular test or giving a good presentations, or a specific domain. Such as in our specific role as a student, an engineer, a teacher, an artist, or a parent.
Yet working in teams also requires suppressing your self interest in the service of the group. Working with people who are different than you in important ways. And making decisions that are different than those you might make on your own. Because people with high core self evaluations are more likely to emphasize the positive aspects of working in teams, they’re more likely to approach team tasks enthusiastically and as a consequence reap the awards associated with teamwork.
或者,团队合作的委派可能并不完全100%平等和公平。或者团队中的每个人都可能没有同样的能力。由于核心自我评估低的人可能会专注于团队合作而不是潜在收益的潜在成本,因此他们可能会更犹豫地加入团队,并且在团队处于团队情况下的有效参与度较小。正如诗人约翰·米尔顿(John Milton)在350多年前所说的那样,思想是一个自己的地方,本身就可以使天堂脱离天堂。
In a review of 149 studies about the impact of core self evaluations, researcher Daisy Chong and her colleagues concluded that people with high core self evaluations tend to have higher work motivation and take on more challenging tasks and are even more satisfied when their work involves complex tasks. They tend to go above and beyond the call of duty more frequently. They persist longer to achieve desired outcomes. And they react more constructively to change. They tend to work more positively with others, and they experience less stress and burnout at work. Consequently, they are more likely to be satisfied with their life in general.
他们更有可能为自己的社区做出贡献,他们更有可能在工作和工作以外的角色之间感到较少的冲突。他们也更有可能享受自己的工作,在工作中表现更好,并被老板更积极地评估。他们也可能赚更多的钱。研究人员蒂莫西·法官(Timothy Judge)和查理丝·赫斯特(Charlise Hurst)进行了一项研究,他们评估了12,000多名14至22岁之间的12,000多名青少年和年轻人的核心自我评估。然后,研究人员研究了年轻时的核心自我评估是否与中期的薪水有关。这将是30年代末40年代初。
The researchers also wanted to know whether advantages such as having a privileged background as measured by family income, parental education and the prestige of the parents’ jobs and strong academic performance, as measured by the study participants’ grade point average in their youth, also had an impact on income later in life. They found that the more advantages the participants with high core self evaluations had when they started the study, the greater their salary increased over the years. Specifically, the participants who had privileged upbringings, as well as high core self evaluations, on average were making over $35,000 more each year.
Study participants who had the highest level of academic achievement, as well as high core self evaluations, were making on average over $50,000 more per year. And here’s what’s even more interesting. The income of the people with the lowest core self evaluations barely changed at all throughout their careers. Despite the family advantages and academic achievements early in life. And in some cases decreased as time went on. In fact their salaries at mid life on average were lower than those who didn’t have privileged backgrounds or strong academic achievement, but who had high core self evaluations when they were younger. Clearly our beliefs about ourselves matter.
The research on core self evaluations give us some insight into why some people who seem to have everything going for them early in life, such as a privileged background and high grades never reached their potential. It also gives us some insight into why some people who don’t have these early advantages can succeed despite obstacles. For all the power that our beliefs have and our ability to achieve our goals in life, most of us are remarkably unaware of our fundamental belief systems and how they affect our every day choices. But not you any more, because you’re taking this course and maybe even reading the companion book about the science of success.
实际上,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院和耶鲁大学管理学院的艾米·韦斯纳维斯基的研究人员亚当·格兰特(Adam Grant)。发现人们拥有高核心自我评估,他们也是其他面向其他责任感的人,他们更有可能取得更好的工作结果。要记住的另一个警告是,如果任何人都有成长的思想,相信自己并努力努力,那么任何人都可以做任何事情是天真的。有些人比其他人需要更多的支持,并且在得到这种额外的支持时,他们更有可能蓬勃发展。
For example, first generation college students may need more support in learning how to navigate the college environment, so they can strategize how they can best channel their efforts and not loose out on opportunities that they’re not even aware of. People who don’t have access to transportation or quality daycare may have a harder time navigating the professional world despite their best efforts. And people with illnesses and disabilities, including disabilities that aren’t visible to others may face additional hurdles that make it more challenging to achieve their goals without additional support. The main point you should take away from learning about the growth mindset and positive core self evaluations is that your beliefs powerfully affect your future.
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The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know

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