
How do inputs, processes, and outputs work?

Here, we consider each of the steps that a digital device needs to perform its tasks and how you can teach these to young learners.

All digital devices receive inputs, perform processes, and deliver outputs. Here, we consider each of the steps that a digital device needs to perform its tasks and how you can teach these to young learners.



输入s don’t always have to be initiated by human beings. For example, a temperature sensor could gather and input data into a device or a message could be received by one device from another device.


The process determines what the device does with the input. The same input can be processed in different ways. For example, in word processing software, when you press the letter A on a keyboard, the computer may process the input and display it as a letter A on the screen. When using a Crumble, the process might use a button as input to determine what colour a Sparkle will need to be set to.

Crumble code - 'Program start' and 'set sparkle 0 to red'.

The programme contains the set of instructions that define the process. In the programme above, the user will start the programme by clicking on the green play arrow in the Crumble software. This will trigger the process which is shown in the code; the Crumble will send a signal to the Sparkle to tell it to light up red.



Helping learners to understand input, process, and output


An animation of an IPO machine. A small football goes into the machine through an input funnel. A screen reads 'Process: Make it bigger!'. A large football then comes out of the output funnel.



  • 输入- 用户按顶部的按钮
  • 过程- 摄像机捕获并存储图片
  • 输出– The image is shown on the screen


Below, I’ve shown how lights (Sparkles) and motors can be connected to a Crumble controller, and then split into input, process, and output.


  • 输入– The user clicks on the green arrow to start the programme
  • 过程– The Crumble checks for input, and when it is received, sends a signal to change the colour of the Sparkle

    Crumble code - 'Program start' and 'set sparkle 0 to red'.

  • 输出- 闪闪发光的颜色点亮


  • 输入– The user clicks on the green arrow to start the programme
  • 过程- 崩溃的输入检查,并在收到收到时发送信号以转动电动机

    Crumble code - 'Program start' and 'motor 1 forward at 75%'.

  • 输出– The motor turns


输入,过程,输出的概念对于计算的基础 - 无论系统有多大或复杂。通过使用相关的示例并将其连接到概念,您可以帮助学习者对IPO有一个坚定的理解,然后他们可以将两者都应用于其物理计算项目中,并且可以更广泛地应用。

Much of the above content is part of the3年级(7-8岁) - 计算系统和网络 - 连接计算机单元of the教计算课程。This unit includes a range of activities to help you to teach learners about digital devices and the concept of IPO.

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