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What is product design?

‘When designing products, always remember that you are designing for people.’ – Nick Babich, Developer


Simply put, it involves the process of:

  • 确定机会
  • 定义问题
  • designing and developing a solution for that problem
  • validating the solution with customers.


The basic elements


  1. Function:The function needs to be the centre of any design. You need to understand what the product must achieve as well as what your consumer will expect.
  2. 风格:这对您的产品有所不同。如果消费者也需要在纯粹的功能和美学上令人愉悦的方面进行选择,他们将选择后一种选项。
  3. Cost:This should be conducted by cost-benefit analysis to see if your product is extracting value from sales or if less money could be spent to yield the same results.


Between the unpredictable changes and rising consumer expectations, product design has become crucial in today’s digital economy.


Steve Baty, Co-founder, Principal and Director of design company Meld Studios, states that: ‘design has two important goals: delivering a good solution – getting the design right – and solving a significant and meaningful problem – getting the right design’.


通常,一家公司擅长开发正确的设计,但在产品实施和与客户使用方面通常不足。当苹果在其OS X狮子操作系统中消除滚动箭头时,请考虑考虑的错误。客户对这一决定感到不满意,因为他们已经习惯了以前型号的滚动箭头,因此他们发现这一决定是违反直觉的。


Product kick-off

Often, as a product kicks off, one of the first traps people fall into is to measure their product success by revenue. The most valuable question you can ask as a product manager is whether your consumers love your product. When identifying a successful product, you want to consider the following:

  • the breadth of product use
  • 使用频率
  • 使用深度
  • efficiency
  • customer satisfaction.

So, when starting the design process of a product, it is important to keep this question in your mind: ‘How can you better identify product value to help avoid mistakes in creating the wrong product?’.

Asking this question puts you ahead in product development, as you are trying to place user experience at the heart of your product design, and you are assessing whether a product is not just attractive and usable, but also useful in that it provides value.

What contributes to a successful product?

广泛使用的舞台产品开发方法的创建者Robert Cooper和Elko Kleinschmidt评估了200多个产品发布,以确定与产品成功相关的关键因素。

Despite these factors being refined over time, they remain broadly the same and include the following:

  • A superior product that delivers benefit to its users:您需要了解您的消费者,并了解他们的需求和疑虑,以提供从客户反馈周期构建的创意解决方案。
  • Planning before developing:Conduct proper research of your product, as you need to ensure you understand the product before beginning development.
  • Technological synergy and quality:Consider how far you can comfortably stray from current technology to develop and build a product without displacing customers.
  • Marketing synergy and quality:研究现有的营销流程,以确定您的产品在其中的内部程度。
  • Market attractiveness:您需要评估您的市场的大小,并确定它的发展方向。

If you’d like to learn more about how to make a successful product, check out the full online course, below.




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