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How can blockchain can increase innovation?


在本文中,维多利亚·汤普森(Victoria Thompson)(伦敦区块链基金会的董事兼创始成员,巴克莱的创新法律负责人)分享了她对区块链如何增加创新和管理知识产权的见解。


区块链,比特币和DLT的含义远远超出了金融部门的加密货币和应用。One area where DLT can be used is in the innovation process to help bring huge benefits to how individuals and companies gain, protect and commercialise their intellectual capital. And more importantly, how governments and policymakers can leverage this technology to create a fairer and more innovative society.



So, how can DLT help remove this pain? Well, as an Intellectual Property (IP) and tech lawyer, I foresee a future world where individuals and CEOs will use simple automated Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) based platforms to capture, track and protect their most valuable resources and IP assets. Content producers, owners of IP, distribution partners and end consumers will all benefit from these new systems as they will finally transparently account for their role in the innovation lifecycle. Likewise, governments and IP authorities will be connected to these platforms and databases with real-time data feeds that will equally enable them to identify bad actors and enforce rights in the civil and criminal legal systems.



In Estonia in 2015, the government introduced an Ethereum-based blockchain public notary system (a legal verification process), giving Estonian residents and companies the ability to notarise in a legally compliant way all kinds or certificates and documents, and paving the way for smart IP registries and digital IP certification [1].

Similarly, we’ve seen the emergence of new companies like Bernstein [2] and Valtitude [3], who offer web-based services that can be used by inventors to gain proof of authorship, securely share confidential information with third parties prior to IP filing, document the transfer of ownership, and gain freedom to operate through defensive publication.

I believe in the future blockchain-based systems will be expanded upon to enable the development of IP across all phases of the innovation lifecycle: tokens will be used to represent the IP asset; tracking services and contributions to IP development will be notarised and formalised via smart legal contracts; and platforms will be developed to manage the sale, licensing, distribution and exploitation of IP with plugins to smart digital registries acting as oracles in distributed networks.


Furthermore, as technology standards and smart legal contract terms become standardised at each phase of the lifecycle, the cost of legal services will be reduced, removing long-standing barriers to IP enforcement actions.


What’s more, DLT and tokenised IP will have a foundational role in that transformation journey. As a result of DLT-based IP management systems, IP assets of the future will be attributable upon creation, securely distributed (reducing fraud and counterfeiting), and consumed safely on a network that promotes IP rights transparency and operational efficiency that benefits all in the chain.


1. Parker L. Bitnation开始向爱沙尼亚电子居民提供区块链公共服务。2015年11月30日。勇敢的新硬币。可从
2. Bernstein. Individuals. Available



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