

那么,运气或偶然的机会在我的故事中扮演了角色吗?I think actually, I’m a big believer and I always say to people, ‘There’s a huge degree to which you create your own luck’, so the fact that my co-founder had experienced a problem that she wanted to then solve and she was working in a venture capital fund, and I was a consultant and we had really good complementary skills. Well, she called me because we’d worked together when I, you know ten years before when I was the sports president University of Bristol and she was my vice president.
So there’s a kind of serendipitous result that goes on there, but I think that’s really about people being proactive, people thinking long term with the way that they do stuff and who they interact with and then stuff does happen and it’s really freaky sometimes when that stuff happens but it’s really exciting all the same. So in terms of helping create your own luck, I think again it goes back to the way that you act on a consistent basis in the long term. It’s about the relationships you hold with people and hanging out with people that you that you like, that you admire, that you find interesting and that are good to you and you’re good to them.
So yeah, luck and chance are big parts of of creating the organisation and everything that’s happened since like the homelessness project only came about because someone approached me and said, ‘I want to do my dissertation in homelessness and menstruation’ and again I was like, ‘Why have I not thought of this?’ You make your own luck if you are putting yourself out there, people know what you’re interested in and you’re telling others your ideas and you’re open to going in different directions.
如果您不说那个机会,那些机会就不会出现,您可以开放并为新的令人兴奋的事情做好准备,这就是我猜是您遇到的人,是的,这是怎么回事。我认为没有任何人没有运气或机会,尤其是您越深入看它。So the fact that I did my PhD and I happened to end up in the same lab as Ben one of the co-founders who is a sort of mathematics and algorithms genius, there’s no chance we would have made it to where we are today unless he happened to be in the same lab as me and think that’s, that’s a huge amount of luck.
Because unless it’s an idea that you’re confident enough to speak to other people about, you often just play around with it for months and you don’t get anything off the ground, so I do think at the start you really have to push opportunities and create your own luck. One of the most important things I did for creating luck within the magazine was meeting PR agencies before launch. A huge amount of what we do is based on PR agencies sending us information and new restaurant openings and content, and the only way to start receiving that information is to be on their radar. So actually much before we launched, three, four months before the website actually launched.
我正在和人们说话,好像已经存在,并说:“这就是我们要做的事情”,我们在推出之前进行了旅行,我们已经获得了非常好的信息,因此我们以前开始了这一过程。我认为运气是,运气在我们的旅程中发挥了重要作用,任何我认为这不是在说谎的人。我们最大的休息时间是,我们很早就开始与很多人谈论东西,我们去了和这个家伙彼得·霍尔布鲁克(Peter Holbrooke)喝咖啡,彼得·霍尔布鲁克(Peter Holbrooke)经营着社交企业,这就是社交企业的支持机构。
I don’t really know why I had a meeting with him but I just kind of sent him an email and he was nice enough to give us an hour of his time and we explained the idea and he thought it was cool and that was kind of the end of it, and then about 18 months later we got a call from UK government from DFID that were interested in starting this program called Develop First and they had gone to Peter Holbrooke and had said, you know, ‘we’re looking at doing this idea,’ and Peter said ‘you should go and talk to these guys Balloon because they’re already doing this’ and that contract was worth kind of almost like three-quarters of a million pounds or something, so overnight our organisation went from three employees to fifteen employees and it was a huge stroke of luck that they’d gone and spoken to Peter, Peter pushed them through to us and and then it’d come about like that.
I think all you can do as an entrepreneur or someone in business is you can try and make the right decision as often as possible, so as long as you, or hopefully, as long as you make as many right decisions as possible you’ll get enough luck.



  • 运气或偶然的机会在您的故事中扮演角色吗?
  • 你能告诉我们这是怎么发生的吗?
  • 您认为您做了任何帮助创造自己的运气吗?





