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Assessing Weight Status: What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

©Monash University2021。CricosNo. 00008C




许多人熟悉BMI,以表明成年人的体重是否健康。BMI基于您的体重与身高之间的关系,并由dividing你的body weightinkg由你height squaredmeasured in仪表

BMI = body weight (kg) / height (m2



Adult BMI ranges which describe ‘weight’ status


Body Mass Index <19.5 20 to 24.9 25至29.9 30 to <35 35至39.9 >40
(kg/m2 体重不足 健康的体重 Overweight 肥胖1级 肥胖2级 肥胖3级

注意:“病态肥胖”一词有时用于描述BMI> 40 kg/m的人2who are considered at very high risk of illness or death due to their excess weight.

Known shortcomings

While BMI cutoffs are widely used, some shortcomings are known and should be highlighted:

  • 它们仅与成年人有关。儿童需要不同的BMI临界值来评估他们的风险,就像老年人和患有慢性疾病的人一样。
  • Different ‘cutoffs’ are also used for different ethnicities, for example, in Asian and Aboriginal people. This is due to differences in bone structure and differing levels of disease risk when overweight or obese.
  • BMI is based only on body weight and does not distinguish between body muscle and body fat. So some individuals who are very muscular may have a BMI in the overweight range and yet have a normal level of disease risk.
  • BMI does not distinguish where body fat is deposited. Risk is much higher when fat occurs around the abdomen




For this reason, interest has grown in measuring waist and hip circumferences. This is easily done using a simple tape measure. Either the waist circumference alone or the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference (distinguishing an ‘apple shape’ from a ‘pear shape’) are used to estimate health risks.


As we now learn more about what factors increase our risk of disease and in particular the health issues around obesity, the role of different types of body fat has become clarified. In essence, our bodies have two different types of fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

Visceral fat is laid down around our main organs in our abdomen, in particular around the liver, pancreas and kidneys. Once thought to be inert and not metabolically active, we now recognise that visceral fat produces inflammatory agents that drive metabolic disturbance.

Those people who tend to lay down fat around their abdomen (‘apple shape’) have more visceral fat and tend to have a greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

So, the measurement of waist circumference has become a useful and quick indicator of this disease risk.


More recently nutritionists have become interested in the ratio of Waist circumference to Height. Evidence shows that people with a high waist circumference compared to their height have a greater disease risk than people with a lower waist circumference compared to their height.



Using risk indicators




Our bodies are comprised offour不同的隔室是:水,脂肪,瘦组织(肌肉)和矿物质(骨骼)。我们体内的脂肪和瘦(肌肉)量存在性别差异,男性比大多数女性的瘦瘦比例更高,脂肪比例更高。




Remember that the visceral fat located around the abdomen where the main body organs are located is the sort of fat that is particularly associated with the common chronic diseases that lead to premature death.

These scans can be helpful at an individual level to monitor the effectiveness of diet and or exercise on body fat and on lean or muscle. In weight loss, what we ideally want to achieve is a reduction in body fatness with preservation of lean or muscle mass.



  1. 访问此document with scans of two young women谁也一样BMI在“正常范围”内,但身体组成却非常不同。
  2. 检查扫描 - 您认为哪个人更有可能患有心血管疾病的风险更大?
  3. 考虑一下对身体成分的知识是否有助于这些女性,以及饮食和或活动是否可以用于改变其体内脂肪的%。
©Monash University2021。CricosNo. 00008C
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Food as Medicine

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