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Where do earthquakes strike?

观看大卫·汤普森(David Thompson)博士解释了世界上地震的发生及其原因。
So whether you’ve experienced an earthquake or not, I hope we’ve got you thinking about the size of earthquakes and where they occur. If you’ve never felt an earthquake, don’t worry. I’m a seismologist, and I’ve looked at probably tens of thousands of earthquakes on my computer, but I’ve only ever felt one really, really small one. And actually, the fact that you’ve not experienced an earthquake can tell us something important about where they strike. For many people, the most distinctive feature of earthquakes is where they occur in the world. You’ll notice that they tend to strike in very specific areas, and there are large parts of the Earth that experience few or even no earthquakes at all.
Now, I’m based in Cardiff in the UK, which is a long way from any of these actively seismic regions. That’s why I’ve only ever felt one small earthquake. But I’m sure some of you live much closer to one of these regions, and have probably felt some significant earthquakes. The reason why earthquakes occur in some parts of the world and not others is down to one very important concept. And that is plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is the theory that the Earth’s surface is made up of a series of rigid blocks or plates.
Now, these blocks collide at so-called plate boundaries, and it’s here where the Earth’s crust folds, breaks, crumples, and slides against each other, creating changes to our Earth such as the formation of the largest mountain ranges or the deepest sea trenches beneath the oceans. At some of these plate boundaries, the plates are colliding head-on, which is why they experience some of the largest, most powerful earthquakes. One such boundary is the Ring of Fire at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. It’s so-called because, as well as experiencing earthquakes, it’s where some of the most explosive volcanic eruptions occur. Large earthquakes can also strike at boundaries where plates move against each other side by side.

In this video, Dr David Thompson explains where earthquakes occur in the world and the reasons for this.


一个横截面,显示了内芯,外芯,地幔,地壳和大气的地面层A cross-section of the Earth

Plate tectonics


There are七个主要盘子on Earth and earthquakes typically occur at the boundaries where plates meet. There are different types of boundaries characterised by how plates interact at them.

世界地图显示了七个主要的构造板的位置,以及它们在板边界处彼此朝着什么方向移动。欧亚板块覆盖欧洲和亚洲的大部分地区。澳大利亚板块覆盖了澳大利亚大陆,新几内亚,新西兰和印度洋的一部分。北美板块覆盖了北美,格陵兰,古巴,巴哈马,最东北亚以及冰岛和亚速尔群岛的大部分地区。太平洋板是一个位于太平洋下方的海洋构造板。南美板块覆盖了南美洲的大陆以及大西洋海床的一个地区。非洲板块横跨,包括非洲大陆的大部分地区。南极板覆盖了南极洲大陆。印度板块覆盖了印度次大陆的大部分以及中国和西部印度尼西亚的部分地区Plate tectonics retrieved fromUSGS, 公共区域。

Plate boundaries

There are three types of boundaries; divergent, convergent and transform boundaries and it is here where earthquakes often occur.

一张桌子显示在发散板边界如何分开板。在收敛的板块边界处,板彼此朝向撞击时,撞击了地壳。在变换板边界上,板彼此水平滑动Three main Tectonic Plates boundary types retrieved from圣人的年龄


These boundaries occur along spreading centres where plates are moving apart and new crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle.



At these boundaries, plates are moving towards one another destroying Earth’s crust as they collide.

At some of these boundaries one plate sinks under the other as they collide and the area where the plate sinks is referred to as asubduction zone





As we discovered in Week 1, the movement of plates at Earth’s crust is a unique process on our planet. It drives change and causes some of the extreme events we experience. This movement is key to understanding why earthquakes occur.


Extreme Geological Events





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