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Benefits of Patient-Centred Care, Health Literacy, and Shared Decision Making

Learn the importance of patient-centred care, health Literacy, and shared Decision making in health care service delivery.

Patient-Centred Care

This focuses on the患者的需求,关注,信念和目标such that the患者感到被理解,受到重视,参与其管理,并有权获得有效的控制,而不是卫生专业人员承担的责任。1.It emphasizes:

  • 尊重患者的意见,信念,需求和生活经验
  • Sharing of power and responsibility
  • Common understanding of goals
  • Shared decision making
  • Individualising and customising interventions
  • Supporting autonomy and empowerment

Picture of stick figure icon surrounded by different health professionals


Health Literacy

This refers to the degree to which a person canaccess, understand, evaluate and communicate basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. Clinicians play an important role in improving the health literacy of their patients and their families/carers. An integral part of this role ishigh level communication skills by the clinician.

Read this short summary from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care about health literacy and how you can help your patients better understand their health and health care.

摘要中特别注意的是“通用预防措施方法” - 该方法解决了一个问题,即您无法通过查看哪些人的健康素养较低,而您无法分辨一个人会理解或不了解。普遍的预防措施指出,“您应该假设您的患者可能不了解您提供的信息以及您提供的有关通过卫生系统导航的建议”。通过遵循上面的链接,阅读有关方法以及如何解决健康素养的更多信息。

Shared Decision Making

This is a process whereby patients are supported by clinicians to deliberate about decisions and make choices that areinformed by best available evidenceabout options, potential benefits, and harms and that考虑患者的价值观,偏好和情况2.


Shared decision makinghas a number of advantages:3


Practical Steps in Shared Decision Making

  1. Invite the patient to participate
  2. 提出选项
  3. Discuss pros and cons (including the benefits, risks, costs)
  4. Assist the patient to evaluate the options based on their values and preferences
  5. Facilitate deliberation and decision making
  6. 检查并澄清患者的理解
  7. 协助执行决定

Patient Decision Aids

These are tools for patients that can be used to help in shared decision-making. The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute has a database of patient decision aids for all different types of conditions. You can go to their website and search their A-Z inventory to find ones that might be suitable for your patients.


EduWeight: Weight Management for Adult Patients with Chronic Disease


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