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The field school

The Field School is a month long excavation at the Vale of Pewsey and provides high-quality training in a range of archaeological field techniques.
My name’s Amanda Clarke, and I’m an associate professor of Field Archaeology here at the Department of Archaeology at Reading. I am also the co-director of the Archaeology Field School. The Field School has existed since 1997 . And it’s developed a lot over those 20 years. It began as the Silchester Field School, Silchester Roman Town. Those were its early beginnings. And it’s gradually morphed into the Archaeology Field School. this is a landscape project. So it’s taking a little known archaeological landscape and trying to understand it through time. So from the earliest sort of settlement, in pre-history, right the way through in fact to modern day Vale of Pewsey. The Field School provides technical training. So it’s how you dig.
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Archaeology: From Dig to Lab and Beyond

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