
What is programming?

There are many different definitions of programming, but Martin O'Hanlon's is simple. Watch his video to find out the three basic structures.

What is programming?

There are countless definitions of what computer programming is, but here is mine.

“编程是如何youget computers to solve problems.”


  • : without the programmer (you), the computer is useless. It does whatyou告诉它做。
  • 解决问题:计算机是工具。诚然,它们是复杂的工具,但并不是神秘或神奇的:它们的存在是为了使任务更容易。


计算机程序(或软件)是使计算机工作的原因。没有软件,现代计算机只是将电力转化为热量的复杂机器。它是计算机上运行您的操作系统,浏览器,电子邮件,游戏,电影播放器​​的软件 - 几乎所有内容。



There are choices to be made, and one way may seem better than another, but that doesn’t mean the other is wrong! With the right skills and experience, a programmer can craft software to solve an unlimited number of problems – from telling you when your next train will arrive at playing your favourite music.

The possibilities are constrained only by your imagination. That’s why I love programming.


When you create a program for a computer, you give it a set of instructions, which it will run one at a time in order, precisely as given. If you told a computer to jump off a cliff, it would!


To stop computers from constantly falling off cliffs, they can also make choices about what to do next:

If I won't survive the fall, don't jump off the cliff

Computers never get bored and are really good at doing the same thing over and over again. Instruction 2 above might look in more detail like this:


An animated GIF of a cartoon computer walking forwards, repeatedly taking a step with one foot and then with the other.

These three concepts are the basic logical structures in computer programming:

    1. 顺序: running instructions in order

    1. Selection:做出选择

    1. 重复:多一次做同样的事情,也称为迭代



不幸的是,计算机不了解英语或西班牙语等语言,因此我们必须使用programming language他们理解给他们指示。


In this course, you will be programming using a language called Python. Python is one of a group of languages called “general-purpose programming languages”, which can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. Other popular languages in this category are C, Ruby, Java and BASIC.

This is a small Python program that asks the user to enter their name and says “Hi” to them:

print(“你好,欢迎光临。”)name=input("Whats your name?")如果name==“马丁”:print("Thats my name too!")print("Hi "+name)

你don’t need to be a computer programmer to be able to read this code. It contains English words and it is readable (if not perhaps understandable). However, by the end of this course you will understand this code, what it does, and the concepts it uses.

Programs are often referred to as代码因此编程也被称为coding.

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