19 培训班

Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with our short online courses.


在FutureLearn,我们热衷于扩大接受教育的机会,为学习者提供多样性和价值 - 我们知道的两件事对于使Lidl成为英国最受欢迎的品牌之一至关重要。

这就是为什么我们与Lidl合作向Lidl Plus客户提供独家报价,并为我们20个最受欢迎的课程提供免费的数字升级。


Online learning is changing the way people can access education, allowing you to retrain for a new career or broaden your horizons flexibly – in your own time, at your own pace.


For the creative-minded, we’ve handpicked some of our most popular arts courses.


We all know Lidl’s food is tasty and nutritious. But have you ever wondered how it makes its way to the supermarket shelf?农场到叉子从EIT食品和皇后大学贝尔法斯特(Belfast)带您穿越食品供应链的旅程,并询问该行业如何变得更加可持续。

与EIT食品的专家一起,您可以了解超级食品– sorting fact from fiction on this trendy topic – and then explore the ins and outs ofNutritionwith Taipei Medical University, discovering how eating well can actually prolong your life.


2020 has been the year when the internet took over even more of our lives. With the University of York’sDigital Wellbeing当然,您可以学习如何管理始终在线的高潮和低点。对于现在需要在线学习学校或大学的人,利兹Learning Online: Managing Your Digital Identity将帮助您充分利用数字学生的生活。


The offer ends 11:59PM GMT on 3/12/20, so upgrade today – and get a taste of the future of learning. Offer valid for digital certificates only on courses listed in this collection page.